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Practical Information

Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, is located in Northern Europe in the north-eastern part of the Baltic Sea region. Area of Tallinn - 159,2 km² (Estonia 45 227 km²).

The climate in Tallinn is characterized by a fairly cold winter, a cool spring with little precipitation, a moderately warm summer and a long and rainy autumn. However, some summers have weeks at a stretch of temperatures around +30°C, and a warm, sunny summer can keep autumn at bay until mid-October.
Average temperature in July +16,7°C
Average temperature in February -4°C
Weather forecast in the Internet: www.weather.ee/tallinn

Estonia is in the Eastern European Time Zone: GMT + 2 hours.
In summer: GMT + 3 hours.

The population of Tallinn is 405 562 (01.09.2009).
Nationalities: Estonian 52.3%, Russian 38.5%, Ukrainian 3.9%, other 5,3%.

Estonian's official language is Estonian. Russian, Finnish, English and German are also understood and widely spoken.

The largest denomination is Lutheran (30%) followed by Russian Orthodox (28%), and Catholic (3%). However, only about 20% of Estonians practice any religion.

Visa Regulations
As of 21 December 2007, Estonia is a part of the Schengen visa area.

Nationals of EU and EEA member states are free to enter Estonia. The required travel document for entry is a national ID card or passport.
Nationals of the following countries do not need visa to enter Estonia, and can stay for up to 90 days in any 6-month period: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Holy See, Honduras, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Macao, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, San Marino, Singapore, South Korea, USA, Uruguay, Venezuela. The required travel document for entry is a valid passport.
Citizens of countries NOT mentioned above require a visa to enter Estonia.
Visitors arriving in Estonia with visa must have national passports valid at least 3 months after their planned departure from Estonia.
Children aged 7 to 15 years must have their own passport when travelling to Estonia or, if they are registered in their parent's passport, must have their photo next to the name. Children under 7 years need not have a photo if they are registered in their parents' passports. Persons above 15 years must have a separate travel document with photo.
For more specific information, please contact the nearest Estonian consulate or embassy, or check the www.vm.ee

Foreign Representations in Estonia
For specific information, please check the www.vm.ee

A Customs Guide for travellers to Estonia can be found at www.customs.ee.

Tax Free Shopping
Travellers residing outside the European Union are entitled to claim back the VAT/GST on purchases, if exported from the European Union within three months plus months of purchase. Total sales price of the goods purchased must exceed 2000 EEK (incl. VAT) in a store per day. Stores offering Tax Free Shopping service are displaying well-known Tax Free logo. A store will provide special Refund Cheque, which must be presented together with a passport and purchased goods to customs official for export verification when leaving the European Union. Purhcased goods must be exported in an unused condition. Check refund options from www.globalrefund.com
For further information please contact Global Refund info@globalrefund.com or
+372 669 0545, the local customs office or a customs officer on duty.
Customs helpdesk: +372 696 7435, +372 696 7436.

Currency & Exchange
National currency: Estonian kroon (EEK) = 100 cents
Fixed exchange rate: 1 EUR= 15.65 EEK.
Most larger hotels, stores and restaurants accept Visa, MasterCard, Eurocard, Diner’s Club and American Express. However, it is advisable to carry some Estonian kroons with you.
Traveller’s checks can be exchanged in most banks but are less likely to be accepted in shops. Eurocheque is the most widely accepted traveller’s check, but American Express and Thomas Cook are also accepted.
Banks are plentiful and easy to find in Tallinn. Most are open from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays, while some offices are also open on Saturday mornings. All banks offer currency exchange services. Exchange offices can also be found in larger hotels, the airport, harbour, railroad station and major shopping centres.

To call Tallinn from abroad, dial your international access code and 372 for Estonia and then the telephone number.
Within Estonia, you can make local and international calls from card-operated public payphones. Telephone cards costing 50 and 100 EEK are sold at newsstands and post offices. Calling abroad, dial 00 and the country code.
The GSM mobile phone system is available; please check compatibility with your operator.

Public Internet access points have been set up all over Estonia. They are located in local libraries and post offices. There are over 100 free wireless Internet zones around the country, many of them in rather unexpected places - beaches, Old Town squares, stadiums, and concert halls.

Post Offices
Tallinn Post Office is located in the centre, at Narva maantee 1, and is open Mon-Fri 08.00-20.00, Sat 9.00-17.00 Ph. +372 617 7033, info@post.ee, www.post.ee.
Toompea Post Office is located in the Old Town, at Lossi plats 4, and is open Mon-Fri 9.00-17.00.
Medical Services
For entry into Estonia no vaccinations or health certificates are required. Health insurance policy is optional.
Pharmacies are usually open from 10:00-19:00, but two of them stays open all night (Tõnismäe Apteek, Tõnismägi 5, ph: +372 644 2282 and Euroapteek, Pae 76, ph: +372 603 1423).
Pharmacies in Shopping Centres are usually open from 9:00-21:00.

Ordinary medication is available in all pharmacies.

In case of accident or illness, call for an ambulance free-of-charge from any phone: 112.

Free-of-charge call from any phone: 110.

Public Holidays 2010

1 January New Year's Day
24 February Independence Day: the 92th anniversary of the declaration founding the Republic of Estonia (1918)
02 April Good Friday
04 April Easter Sunday
1 May Spring Day
23 May Whitsunday
23 June Victory Day
24 June St. John's Day
20 August Day of Restoration of Independence: Estonia regains independence after Soviet times
24 December Christmas Eve
25 December Christmas Day
26 December Boxing Day

Power Supply
The current is 220 volts AC, 50 Hz, European-style 2-pin plugs are in use.